Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quote for the next month

Since when did age matter when it comes to love? Are you trying to tell me that a 4 year old kid doesn't love his mother because he's too young to know what love is?

I feel that age doesn't matter in love. And that love has no definition. Love is an emotion, it's how you feel about someone. You don't have a reason for loving someone. You just do. And trust me, love is the greatest feeling in the world. It makes you feel light-headed and dizzy till you feel as though you're floating in space. It makes you feel all warm and tingly inside. You smile whenever you think of him/her and he/her is constantly on your mind without fail everyday. Whenever he/her doesn't reply to your messages you would feel as though you've lost your mind and call him/her immediately to check if they're alright.

my quote of the day..

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