Saturday, August 15, 2009


i hate communicating.. it always sucks.. i guess i should just MIA till someone really needs me for some very gd reasons..

chatting, talking, smsing.. all sucks.. how i wish human can not talk and just do their own stuff.. hate nosy people.. who try to pry and poke every single detail out..

luckily weekend is coming.. i dont have to see anyone. can just stay at home and sleep my weekends off.. tats the best way to spend my weekends.... i really got to stop talking.. everytime i talk.. sure got problem.. guess its me..

yeah. indeed. i am such a noob.. i still love training most.. dont need to talk.. all actions.. i starting to like my teammates quite a bit.. even the stern looking ah ben.. thou i can sense that he doesnt really like me a lot.. but at least we dont quarrel or argue over stuffs.. we play the game in our own ways but still.. respect each others methods of playing.. guess this is how i should describe ba.. sometimes i really wonders.. how come gals cant be like guys.. be less nosy, less gossipy.. and do more..

Actions speaks Louder den words..

sorry papa smurf.. if u need me for anything.. u know how to find me yea.. but i guess i wont be joining u peeps for gathering or party.. till i feel tat i am ready ba..

MIA time..

hopefully i will still blog while MIAing.. depends on my mood, time and wat i doing ba..

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